This library contains a number of cloud patterns.
September 24, 2021
The Aggregator Pattern provides a way for a client to obtain combinations of data from each microservice of a microservice-based application. However it is not exactly the same as...
August 20, 2021
The API Gateway Pattern provides a way for a client to obtain combinations of data from each microservice of a microservice-based application.
Problem Statement When upgrading from a monolithic architecture to a microservice-based architecture, the designer(s) can encounter situations where one service depends upon another. Upgrading the dependency can potentially disrupt...
August 16, 2021
The Factory Method pattern is extremely useful when a class cannot decide in advance the class of objects it must create. The task of specifying the objects is given...
April 20, 2021
The reactor pattern already underpins many of the platforms you use today, and is now one of the most common ways to deal with concurrency.
The bulkhead pattern enforces the principle of damage containment and provides a higher degree of resilience by partitioning the system.
The throttling pattern is used to allow a service to maintain a steady pace when process multiple customer requests. Throttling can be implemented using multiple strategies: •Rejecting requests from...
March 08, 2021
The Circuit Breaker pattern is used to check the availability of an external service, detect failures and prevent them from happening constantly. For example, if an application needs to...
There are some consideration when using retry pattern: When there is an indication that the fault is not transient or unlikely for service request to be successful if repeated (for...
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